A downloadable game

Roleplaying Game & Mini-Campaign Setting

The Great Trickster has cast its net far and wide across space and time and is dragging it through the multiverse, tearing and mixing up countless worlds in the process.

Create a Seeker from any reality you can imagine and imbue them with meaningful powers.

Journey through Myriad - the patchwork realm comprising the infinite worlds turned upside-down by the Great Trickster.

Gather Trickster's Items to summon this fickle Being and put the worlds back in order.

  • Unique minimalist system geared towards improvisational play  
  • "Rotating Gamemaster" framework for each campaign session
  • Published tri-lingually in English, German and Welsh

The Trickster’s Net campaign world was developed by a group of young game designers who participated in an international exchange project between Kempten, Germany and Wales, UK during 2021. 

The facilitators were Barney Dicker (Loco Ludus) and Tom Burmeister (PlayFrame). 

Illustrations by Maximilian Hartley.

The project was co-funded by Stadt Kempten and Wales Arts International and run in association with Stadtjugendring Kempten and Criw Celf/Arts Active. The game material is freely available and published under a Creative Commons license.

The German, Welsh and accessible versions of the rules will be available here soon.

Physical copies available in UK at Tabletop Emporium and Firestorm Games


Trickster's Net Rules - English.pdf 8 MB
Tricksters Net Character Sheet - English.pdf 608 kB
Tricksters Net Adventure Sheet - English.pdf 516 kB
Trickster's Net Rules [Plain Text] - Cymraeg.pdf 161 kB
Tricksters Net Character Sheet - Cymraeg.pdf 789 kB
Tricksters Net Character Sheet - Deutsch.pdf 851 kB


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Dw i'n gyffrous i weld y fersiwn Gymraeg! S'mae o Efrog Newydd!


Really beautiful artwork!